Seminars are a great way to use key topic presentations to draw in potential consumers. Appeal to those individuals who might be curious about your services, but need more information and persuasion to buy in.

Seminars allow you to engage with a large pool of potentially qualified prospects. This helps you capture new qualified business while also establishing your brand presence in your local community. You have a chance to demonstrate your knowledge and leadership in your field, which creates trust.
As with any event-based marketing, there are many challenges to running a successful seminar. Seminars involve setting up your space and coordinating participants. Some agents may struggle with topic development, marketing materials, sales literature, and evaluations, for example. We’re here to make the entire process run smoothly.
Our seminar solutions include access to over 40 seminar options, all designed and packaged to ensure your message corresponds with the market you’re targeting. Our services can help develop your ideal seminar presentation, whether you’re educating on life insurance programs, annuities, or other topics. We help you piece together your seminar from start to finish so all you have to worry about is doing what you do best–interacting with qualified prospects.