HEART CENTERED PLANNING Guide 8: Building Community

This is the final guide in this series, but don’t worry! It’s not the final piece of content we’ll be sharing around Heart Centered Planning. We are passionate about continuing this work and spreading the love and compassion this industry needs.

In this final guide, we’re taking a look at the importance of community. All the self-work we’ve discussed in the previous guides would be wasted without a supportive community to help you grow. Every guide has built up to this one.

So, how do you build a solid community and why does it matter for your business?

Read the guide to find out.

Fill out the form below to request your copy of Heart Centered Planning Guide “Building Community.”

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Stephani Lucas, Founder of The Annuity Consultants, Is Transforming the Insurance/Financial Industry Through Love, Compassion And Her Heart Centered Planning Series