Selling Annuities As the Natural Extension of Disability Insurance

For people who like to plan ahead, having the right balance of insurance is an incredible weight off their shoulders. For a reasonable payment each month or year, they can ensure that another batch of worries can be crossed off of a potentially infinite list. Some people want to cover every possible base while others want to have a few very important matters insured. The same people who remember to buy disability insurance either independently or from their employer are likely to be interested in the benefits of annuity insurance as well. These people naturally consider every expense as a percentage of their income. They know how much rent, utilities, groceries, and recreation take out of their budget and will be more keenly aware of the shift in income as retirement begins.

Maintaining Lifestyle and Income Level

Those who are interested in disability insurance are already considering the inherent relationship between hours worked and utilities paid. They understand that even reduced pay will make a large difference in their lives and are probably thinking ahead toward their retirement as well. What they are most concerned with is maintaining their preferred lifestyle, including things like keeping their current home and hobbies while covering any necessary medical expenses.

Crossing the Retirement Age

An annuity plan is a fantastic partner for disability insurance because of the way standard policies work. Usually, the longest possible disability packages cover the buyers up until their 67th birthday, but what then? This is where annuities can take over, creating a complete safety net across the current retirement age. This allows people who are worried about the loss of income to be sure they won’t be left in the lurch if they get permanently injured at some point in their working careers or in the final few years right before disability insurance would stop paying.

Planning for a Long Life

With the steady increase in both medical technology and elderly health programs, it is becoming more and more likely that people will manage to outlive their retirement plans. Both employment packages and personal savings usually don’t calculate for living past 90 or 100 years of age. Annuities offer people a way to make sure their quality of life does not decrease significantly should all other planned income sources run out. This is incredibly comforting for people who have realized that in the US alone there are over fifty thousand centenarians who have been alive for a hundred years or more.

Benefits with Interest

Annuities offer your customers a unique opportunity to gain interest in their retirement plan. With market value adjusted (MVA) annuities, you can promise your clients not just income security, but adjusted income security. This means that instead of a flat agreed-upon amount paid every month, unfeeling to the fluctuations in grocery and utility costs over 20 to 40 years of retirement, they can plan for a relative point on the income scale and be sure that the exact amount paid will keep them living comfortably at the same level they intended when the annuity was signed. Not everyone who cares about regular budgeting has thought to account for interest in their retirement plans, and many will be grateful that there is already an annuity option to cover this hard to predict eventuality.

The best way to sell anything is to find an already receptive audience and annuities are no different. The same concerns that inspire people to invest in disability insurance will make interested and welcoming clients for annuity sales. These are people who like to plan ahead, have their bases covered, and never be caught unprepared by unforeseen expenses. When you sell annuities as a natural extension of disability insurance, you may find a more receptive audience.

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